Those Who Endure to the End of These End Times Part 1

Part 1- The Power of God to Remain Firm in Christ in a World Filled With Lies and Deceptions!

"The Constant Reminder of Sins!" Hebrews 10:2


The Gift That Keeps on Giving Forever! | Jesus Gift of Salvation


How To Identify and Guard Yourself Against Wolves In Sheeps Clothing

How to Identify and Guard Yourself Against Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing! Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught expository using God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible. In this very important Bible Study Pastor David French and Ken Whitcomb have searched the scriptures and to find what you the Born-Again Believer in Christ Must Do to Guard Yourself Against False Prophets and Teachers. Jesus tells us they are “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing!” False prophets and teachers claim to speak for God, but they lie and speak falsehood. To gain a hearing, they come to people “in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” and if one does not discern who they are they can be mislead and be corrupted by their many lies from their false doctrines!

How Can You Tell If The Works of The Devil Are Being Destroyed In Your Life?


The Desperate Need For A Better Sacrifice! Hebrews 9:28


Why Are Many Professing Christians Following False Prophets and Teachers Into Hell?!

Why are Many Professing Christians Following False Prophets and Teachers Into Hell?! Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught expository using God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible. In this very important Bible Study Pastor David French and Ken Whitcomb deal with the a troubling question and that is “Why are Many Professing Christians Following False Prophets and Teachers Into Hell? There are more False Prophets and Teachers today than ever before and yet countless millions are following them without thinking twice. Tragically the Bible tells us that these deceived people are going to end up in hell along with the ones who deceived them. In this Two-Part Bible Study you will learn why many are deceived and what you must do to keep yourself from being mislead by one of many false prophets and teachers that are on TV or on YouTube or other media sights!

The Once For All Offering of Christ Heb 925

The “ONCE-FOR-ALL” OFFERING OF CHRIST – HEBREWS 9:25 The “ONCE-FOR-ALL” Sacrifice of Christ was totally sufficient. He settles the sin question perfectly, when He took our place in judgment. The greatest declaration one could ever make was made by John the Baptist. It is found in John’s Gospel Chapter 1:29, “ Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world.” I hope you find this study “EYE OPENING” as I did. As Believers in Christ Jesus, we can’t “do” anything else to “add” onto our Justification and Sanctification. The “ONCE-FOR-ALL” OFFERING OF CHRIST is all you need and it’s all sufficient. One more thing to remember “Any other message other than Christ and Him Crucified is a False Doctrine! Thank you for watching until next week, God Bless.

Jesus the Believers Destroyer

JESUS THE BELIEVER’S DESTROYER! Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught expository using God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible. In this message Pastor David French teaches today that Jesus Not only Came as our Deliverer but also Our Destroyer! The Bible tells us in 1 JOHN 3:8 "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil." Unless you Welcome Jesus as a Destroyer in your life, you can't have Him as your Savior and Lord! In this message you will find out why!

We Triple Dog Dare You to Watch This Bible Study!

We Triple Dog Dare You to Watch This Bible Study! Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught expository using God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible. In this vital study, Pastor David French and Ken Whitcomb will be talking about a subject that most of today’s modern Church avoids which is “Hell!” There are several subjects God’s Word so clearly details that most who profess to be Christians want to ignore such as the teaching on God’s Eternal Judgment of the Lake of Fire or Hell! There are many who profess to know Jesus Christ and yet they teach that there is no such a place as hell! Many have said God is love and He would never send anyone to a horrible place like hell. Is that what God’s Word the Bible teaches? We will look at several key scriptures to determine if God would send anyone to hell or not in this Bible study. The question we ask you is- are you willing to watch listen to this Bible Study and learn about God’s Great White Throne Judgment a.k.a. Hell? We dare you to listen! We Double Dog Dare you!

UFO's, the Falling Away, the Rapture and the Coming Antichrist

UFO’s, the Falling Away, the Rapture and the Coming Antichrist! Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught expository using God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible. In this message Pastor David French continues a message that he started on November 17th concerning the UFO Phenomena! In this message we will learn why UFO’s and Aliens are now showing up and the disclosures are increasing! Satan and one-third of the angels have rebelled against God and are fighting to keep themselves from being cast into hell forever! To accomplish his greatest goal to remain the God of this world forever, Satan must deceive the world into accepting his son the Antichrist as god. How can that happen? You can believe it or not but the appearances of UFO’s are setting the stage for the Soon Coming Rapture of the Church and the Arrival of the Antichrist!

Is Your Salvation Registered in Heaven or in Your Church

“IS YOUR SALVATION REGISTERED IN HEAVEN OR IN YOUR CHURCH?” Today we are studying Hebrews 9:20, unfortunately the Hebrew Christians of Paul’s day lost sight of the true meaning of the Tabernacle, and attempted to make SALVATION out of the Tabernacle. Many in the Modern Church follow that erroneous path. They attempt to make SALVATION out of the Church, along with some of its ordinances, such as water Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, etc. We must learn there is no SALVATION in any of the rituals and ceremonies of the Old Testament, likewise, there is no Salvation in anything that pertains to the Church. SALVATION has always been and is PRESENTLY IN CHRIST and what He has done for us on the CROSS.

Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant!

This morning Abundant Life Fellowship in honoring our Pastor, Pastor David French. In the Book of Hebrews 6:10 it reads “For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have showed toward His Name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister.” What a wonderful promise! God does not forget, He never neglects or ignores His Own. We may neglect or overlook important issues but God is incapable of overlooking even the death of a sparrow (Luke 12: 6-7) Brothers and Sisters let us continually honor and uplift Pastor David, recognizing that his tireless efforts are a reflection of God’s Grace and Love in our lives. Through the wisdom of Scripture, we have discovered that showing appreciation for our Pastor is not only an act of gratitude but also a demonstration of our faith in God’s plan for our spiritual growth and well-being. Pastor, we thank you and appreciate all you do for us. Well Done, Thy Good and Faithful Servant, God Bless You and Theresa.

Something Very Wicked Has Come and Yet the Church Remains Silent!

Something Very Wicked Has Come and Yet the Church Remains Silent! Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught expository using God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible. In this message Pastor David French The Apostle Paul warned us that prior to the Second Coming of Jesus that the Antichrist would come with all kinds of power and lying wonders that would be so amazing that it would literally cause many to believe that he is something who is more than human. What are these lying wonders that the Apostle Paul is referring to? Could it have something to do with the present UFO craze that has gripped our world? Is the world being conditioned to accept that not only are UFO’s and Alien life real but that we are now being visited from superior beings from other worlds. The recent increase in UFO sightings and reports of encounters with alien beings and disclosures are playing a major role in the soon arrival of the Antichrist!

The Death of Christ Validated the New Covenant Heb 9 16

The Death of Christ Validated the New Covenant: Hebrews 9:16 It was necessary for Jesus Christ to die on the Cross in order that the terms of the New Covenant might be enforced. His Death satisfied the debt incurred by sin, which was committed by man. In today's modern church (most churches) sin is not mentioned at all, along with the Cross. You will find no Repentance, please beware of these self-serving – self-loving churches. I hope you find this study exciting and as I did. Thank you for watching until next week, God Bless.

Killing The Church Replacement Theology A Doctrine of Demons!

Replacement Theology – Killing the Church Replacement Theology A Doctrine of Demons! Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught using expository methods from God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible. In this vital study, Pastor David French and Ken Whitcomb will be exposing a lie of Satan that is being taught in many Churches as truth and that is Replacement Theology! . Satan hates God and he hates God’s people Israel and he has been trying to destroy them from the beginning! Satan has fooled the nations and many Churches into believing one of his most masterful deceptions and that is the Church has replaced Israel! This lie has been propagated for many centuries and has poisoned the Church into believing other lies such as their will be no Rapture and that Jesus is NOT returning to Jerusalem at His Second Coming!

Overcoming the Comeing Chaos!

Overcoming the Coming CHAOS! Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught expository using God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible. In this message Pastor David French gives details as to what Born-Again Believers in Christ in America can expect in the coming months and years especially since Donald Trump has been re-elected as the 47th President! Many Christians have prayed about this election and voted for Donald Trump. However, there is a multitude who are not happy about the election results. God’s Word tells us why!

Overcoming the Coming Chaos!

Overcoming the Coming CHAOS! Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught expository using God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible. In this message Pastor David French gives details as to what Born-Again Believers in Christ in America can expect in the coming months and years especially since Donald Trump has been re-elected as the 47th President! Many Christians have prayed about this election and voted for Donald Trump. However, there is a multitude who are not happy about the election results. God’s Word tells us why!
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